My little Miss Sofia was born on February 15, 2012. She was kind enough to wait until after Valentine's Day! She wasn't due until the end of the month, but I can't say I was surprised when she came! Labour was intense but very short, and she was a perfect little girl! She took to nursing immediately, which was a nice change from Josie. We had an uneventful hospital stay, and were happy to be back home.
Sofia never had colic like Josie did, but she wasn't the easiest baby going. She wanted to eat constantly - from birth until 11 months (when I finally quit nursing!) she nursed every two hours. It was exhausting. She was, and still is, a mommy's girl, always wanting to be close to me, preferably on me. She cried quite a bit, and did not make her needs well known.
For a long time I thought she was a much easier baby than Josie, because all I could think about was the colic we went through. However, after Josie's colic, she was amazing... Sofia's unhappiness carried through. Every time I said "This is sooo hard, I didn't have such a hard time dealing with Josie and she was worse!" Kevin would say "I think you're not remembering things right." In hindsight, this is true. So despite the fact that I went around saying Sofia was an amazing baby, life was good... the reality is that it wasn't.
Despite the unhappiness, Sofia developed great! She rolled over around 4 months, sat up around 6 months, and started trying to walk around her 1 year birthday. Everything seemed great! We were keeping a close eye on her (because of Josie) but there was nothing to be REALLY concerned about. Luckily, Kevin was very proactive and set up an appointment to be assessed - the fact was we would never stop worrying until somebody told us she was okay.
After she turned 1, everything changed.
Read Part Two here.
Read Part Three here.
she looks soo cute